Earn College Credit While in High School (Dual Enrollment)
Earning college credit while in high school is an excellent opportunity to begin your college career and get a jump start on college credit before graduation. Often these classes can also be used towards high school graduation requirements and the ̽»¨×å credits earned are transferable to other universities.
Registering to take university classes at ̽»¨×å CTC (dual enrollment) and enrolling in high school classes approved through Tech Prep for college credit are two options available for high school students to earn college credit through ̽»¨×å CTC.
Taking University Classes at ̽»¨×å CTC (Dual Enrollment)
High school students are encouraged to take classes at ̽»¨×å and Technical College. Any student meeting course prerequisites may enroll in university classes with permission of the instructor or the department head. To register for classes, students need to complete the and submit their complete form to the ̽»¨×å CTC Student Services and Registration Center at 604 Barnette Street, Suite 110.
>> Need Help? See How to Register: High School Student – just wanting to take a class.
High School Classes Approved for College Credit (Tech Prep)
Tech Prep is a program offered in cooperation between the ̽»¨×å & Technical College and other educational institutions that allow high school or vocational/technical education students to earn credits toward a certificate and/or degree by completing classes in their high school or vocational technical education institution that have been approved for college credit by ̽»¨×å CTC.
Outside Credit
It is possible for high school students to use ̽»¨×å course credits to meet high school graduation requirements. An Outside Credit Request form is available at high school counseling offices or through the school district main office. The approval for outside credit is given on a course-by-course basis and does not require admission to the university. Students must consult their appropriate school district officials and school counselors for approval PRIOR to registration if they wish to use the university courses to meet high school graduation requirements. See your high school counselor for additional information.
Contact Us
604 Barnette Street, Fairbanks AK, 99701